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Portraits, figures, body

Daily commas walking coloring book

Daily commas walking coloring book
ocena ocena ocena ocena ocena
Price: 22,56 EUR
EAN: 9791136771636
product Description

Happiness and soothing joy emanate from the paintings of Korean artist @bf_ok (Kim HyeRin). Fleeting moments of everyday life are frozen, like a photographic frame: a girl standing in spring light, a wild flower waking up to life in a forgotten alley, a cup of coffee in a stimulating autumn, or a puppy playing in a snowdrift.

These are just a few examples of coloring themes you'll find in this book.

Publishing language:korean
Author:@bf_ok (Kim HyeRin)
Size:250x250 mm
Publication month:July
Publication year:2023
Published in:Korea
Paper thickness:Thick
Printing:single-sided with color graphics on the left side
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