Cover of 'Spiral of Life'

§1 General Provisions

1. These regulations ("Regulations") define the rules and conditions of conducting and participating in the "Cover for 'Spiral of Life'" competition ("Competition").
2. The organizer of the Competition is the AnCraft Anna Seidler publishing house registered in Warsaw 01-728, ul. Powązkowska 68/106a ("Organizer").
3. The sponsor of the prizes in the Competition is the Organizer AnCraft Anna Seidler with its registered office in Warsaw 01-728, ul. Powązkowska 68/106a, Poland NIP 5251456355 ("Sponsor").
4. The competition is organized for residents of all countries (international competition) via the website www.decomade.pl
5. The competition runs from November 6, 2023 at 14:00 to 17/11/2023 14:00 Polish (GMT+1) time.

§2 Competition Participants

1. The Participant may be any natural person who, on the commencement date of the Competition, meets all of the following conditions:
a. is an adult and has unlimited legal capacity within his or her own country
b. has read the content of these Regulations and accepted its provisions,
c. has a profile on social one of the following social media platforms: Facebook or Instagram,

2. Employees, former employees, collaborators and representatives of the Organizer and other entities directly involved in the preparation and conduct of the Competition cannot be participants of the Competition.
3. Violation of the Regulations by the Participant:
a. entitles the Organizer to exclude the participant from the Competition
b. does not oblige the Organizer to award any prize
c. if the Prize has been awarded, the Organizer is authorized to demand its return.

§3 Participation in the Competition

1. The conditions for participation in the Competition are:

a. downloading one or both of the images below, which will be considered an entry into the competition
b. coloring the downloaded images with crayons, paints or markers.
c. works colored using digital tools will not be taken into account.
2. The Competition Participant may only act in person and cannot be represented by another person.
3. To complete the entry to the Competition, the Participant must send a photo of the colored work via social media:

a) posting a photo on Facebook, in a comment under the post about the competition or

b) posting a photo on Instagram

c) and adding the hashtag #annamiarczynska

4. By entering the Competition, the Competition Participant agrees to: - publishing the submitted competition content along with personal data on decomade.pl profiles on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/decomade.pl/) and on Facebook (https: //www.facebook.com/decomade/) and on the Organizer's website (www.decomade.pl), and also consents to the processing of personal data by the Organizer.
5. Once all the conditions specified in section are met. 1-4, the participants submission is entered into the Competition.
6. By entering the Competition, the participant confirms that he or she has read the Regulations and accepts them.
7. A Participant may take part in the Competition a maximum of two times. The following rules apply to submitted works:

a. The user may submit one photo of one work, or
b. The user may submit two photos of two different competition images.
c. If you submit several photos of one or both works, only the first photo of each image will be taken into account.

§4 Selection of winners

1. Anna Seidler (publisher) and Anna Miarczyńska (author), hereinafter referred to as the "Jury", supervise the proper conduct of the Competition, the selection of winners and the awarding of prizes.
2. The jury will select two pictures among the submission. The author of each selected submission becomes the winner of the competition. It is possible for only one participant to win the competition, if both selected works were submitted by the same participant.
3. The competition winner will be announced on November 18, 2023 on the Organizer's website and on the publisher's and author's social media.
4. The organizer will contact the competition winner on November 18, 2023 via private message.
5. If there is no response from the winner within 36 hours, the Organizer has the right to select a new winner.
6. The organizer reserves the right to change the competition results dates.

§5 Prizes

1. The competition prizes are as follows:
a. The winning works will be published as a cover in Anna Miarczyńska's new coloring books
b. The author of the winning work will be listed in the footer of the coloring books,
c. The author of the winning work will receive a free copy of the coloring book with his/her work used on the cover with a dedication and thanks from the author
d. Authors will receive a 50% discount on the purchase of three additional copies of both competition coloring books.

2. Unclaimed prizes will be forfeited.
3. The prize cannot be withdrawn partially.
4. Prizes cannot be exchanged for their monetary equivalent or other types of prizes.

§6 Conditions of awarding the prize

1. The competition is international - anyone can take part in it. However, due to increasing shipping costs, winners will be responsible for shipping the prizes. Delivery costs vary, depending on the weight of the shipment and the country of delivery. The winner will be informed about them via private message.

a. The winner may resign from receiving the prize in book form, accepting a printable PDF file instead, if the cost of delivering the prize is too high for the winner.

2. The winner will transfer the copyright to the colored work free of charge and sign an appropriate declaration, the content of which is included in Annex 1.
3. The winner will send a scan of the winning work by e-mail to the address provided by me no later than 3 days from the announcement of the results. The uploaded, colorful file in JPG or PDF format must be clear, of good quality, at least 2 MB.

§6 Copyright

1. By submitting an entry, the participant confirms that he or she has the copyright to the colored picture and that as a result of the entry and sending the competition content, there will be no infringement of the copyrights, related rights or personal rights of third parties.
2. The competition participant declares that the content posted by him does not violate the rights of third parties.
3. If, as a result of the participant's participation in the Competition, including the publication of the content included in his/her competition task, a third party brings claims against the Organizer for infringement of copyright, related rights or personal rights, the participant will be liable for the damage suffered by Organizer on this account.

§ 7 Personal data protection

1. By registering to participate in the Competition, the Competition Participant consents to the processing of his or her personal data for the purpose of conducting the Competition.
2. The administrator of the personal data of the Competition participants is the Organizer.
3. Information on the processing of personal data is attached as Annex 2 to the Regulations.
4. The collection of personal data takes place on a completely voluntary basis. Participants acknowledge that failure to provide personal data in the application form may result in exclusion from the Competition.

§ 8 Violations

1. Entries that do not meet the requirements set out in the Regulations, in particular entries containing illegal content or violating the rights of other people, will be rejected and will not be taken into account by the Jury. If a violation is detected after selecting the winners of the Competition, the Organizer may disqualify the participant who committed the violation and award the prize to another participant.
2. In case of violation of the Regulations, the Jury may exclude the participant from the Competition at any stage of the Competition.

§9 Complaints

1. Participants may submit any complaints regarding the Competition electronically to the following address:
Complaints are considered within 14 days from the date of their submission by e-mail or letter, depending on the method of receiving the complaint.

§10 Final Provisions

1. The competition does not constitute a gambling game within the meaning of the Act of November 19, 2009 on gambling games.
2. The organizer is the promisee of the prize within the meaning of Art. 919 of the Civil Code.
3. The Regulations are available on the Organizer's website (www.decomade.pl).
4. The Regulations constitute the exclusive basis for conducting the Competition and define the rights and obligations of its participants.
5. In matters not regulated in the Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code and other provisions of generally applicable law shall apply.
6. The Regulations are valid until November 16, 2023

ANNEX 1 Declaration of transfer of copyright to the work

City, date....

I, …............................................... ............................, residing in ............................ ............................................ I declare that I consent to free publication of a graphic I colored, which was awarded in the decomade.pl competition. Cover for 'Spiral of Life', in the publication ......................... ............................................................. ....  ISBN no.: .........................................

I agree to include my name and surname/nickname* ..................................... ...

I agree to cover the costs of delivering the prize. Please send the competition prize in the form of the above-mentioned coloring book to the following address:

..................................................... ............................................

..................................................... ............................................

..................................................... ............................................

phone no: ....................................




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