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Flowers and plants

Botanical Art Coloring Book: Bouquet Edition

Botanical Art Coloring Book: Bouquet Edition
ocena ocena ocena ocena ocena
Price: 23,05 EUR
EAN: 9788997107339
product Description

Coloring book for fans of botanical graphics - in this book you will find floral arrangements in the form of bouquets. At the beginning of the page there are 'mini lessons' to help you color specific parts of plants. Each graphic, in addition to a color picture as an inspiration, also has additionally printed frames with close-ups of particularly interesting elements of the bouquets - thanks to this, you can first practice coloring before the entire picture is colored.

Publishing language:korean
Size:210x270 mm
Publication month:April
Publication year:2016
Published in:Korea
Paper thickness:Medium
Printing:double page
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